Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Debate is ON! An Exhausted Mother Vents....

Karissa is such a debater. She'll make an excellent politician one day. It's very exhausting-her debates, that is. Anything I ask...or TELL her to do turns into a debate. And she's only 4! Is this normal? I've about had it. And she does not only act this way towards us. Yesterday at swim lessons she had the same attitude w/her swim instructor. Her lesson took twice as long because she would not keep her mouth shut and just do as she was asked. I was so embarrassed, I wanted to crawl under the patio table. So I ask you, how should we handle this situation"? I need super nanny to the rescue! She's such a little Drama Queen. She would not do the things at her swim lesson until the other people swimming in the pool stopped and WATCHED HER! Can you believe it? She would whisper "But Momma, I want them to watch me." As if this child does not get enough attention! Calgon, take me away!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aS A MOM OF A Debater, i WILL PONDER HOW i MANAGED THIS CHALENGE. mY DAUGHTER is going to be 29 years old Sept. 2. Nothing was done without issue.I still wunder how she got threw school with what she put, and did to her teachers. I can remember at times telling her, This is NOT under dicusion, and comand action from her. There are mager times that they must do without talking, like at the pool. Head strong childern are interesting cridders. LOL to you. C.A.J.S.